Thursday, September 14, 2006

81 bad habits of Hong Kong boy

Hong Kong boy was asking for trouble posting "81 bad habits of Hong Kong girl" on last week. Hong Kong girl has responded with a list of ALL Hong Kong boy's bad habits:
1. ugly
2. immature
3. has lots of bad habits
4. loves to look under skirts
5. watches too much Japanese porn
6. thinks of girlfriend as AV girl (japanese porn girl)
7. when the bill arrives in a restaurant, they are always going to the toilet...
8. ... or forgetting their wallet;
9. and when they say they want to take you out for a meal, Hong Kong boys mean they want you to buy them dinner.
10. they have bno time for their family
11. they like to visit prostitutes
12. they have 10 credit cards in their wallets....
13. ...but all of them are frozen
14. they see an expensive clothes shop, they turn to the other side of the street
15. they consider dating to be free sex
16. they want to french kiss on first date
17. Hong Kong boy dresses bad
18. they have big tummy;
19. ... and no hair
20. their underwear is bought by their mum
21. they talk rubbish without thinking first
22. they judge the girl by her face and body shape alone
23. no responsibility
24. they cancel date without any notice
25. they love to give condoms as birthday presents
26. they never wash their hands after they go to the loo
27. they sing pretty bad at karaoke...
28. ...but always blame something wrong with the microphone
29. they punch the girl
30. they are not well educated
31. they never think about the future
32. they love only the pretty girl
33. their English is bad and they can't type Chinese
34. they only call their girlfriend pretty in front of them
35. they judge against Hong Kong girls...
36. ...but they forget their mum is also a Hong Kong girl

Brainwashed porkchop steals HK$7,000 to pay for beauty treatment

本 報 訊 】 在 便 利 店 任 職 收 銀 員 的 貪 靚 少 女 , 不 甘 被 同 事 喚 作 「 肥 妹 」 , 加 上 抵 不 住 時 下 纖 體 公 司 的 誘 惑 , 在 職 時 多 次 「 穿 櫃 桶 底 」 , 將 顧 客 的 買 煙 錢 據 為 己 有 , 合 共 偷 取 7,000 元 , 經 理 查 賬 揭 發 事 件 。 涉 案 少 女 昨 在 觀 塘 裁 判 法 院 承 認 10 項 偷 竊 罪 , 還 柙 至 9 月 27 日 判 刑 。   記 者 : 蔡 曉 楓   陳 達 浩

Sad tormented girl stole from the till to pay for beauty treatments after abuse from her colleagues. But she got caught, and is now in an "education centre" awaiting further judgment.