Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oh for f**k's sake could someone just shoot all the environmentalists

Here is a tragic story. Barbara, a wood-burning tree-hugger, wishes to attend her best friend's wedding in Brisbane, but cannot bear the thought of all the CO2 produced by today's modern airliner. So she's going by land. From London.

Instead of 22 hour flight, which produces an estimated 5.2 tonnes of CO2 per passenger (Belfast Telegraph figures), she will spend seven weeks travelling in buses, trains and a cargo vessel.

HK Devil despairs of environmental nonsense, to the point where comment seems futile. But this one really is the most ridiculous plan ever concieved.

Barbara, for sure, is going to produce far more local pollution and harmful particulates as she chugs across the planet on a BUS or an unregulated BUNKER-FUEL TANKER. And for what? Seven weeks of her life gone to save a few tonnes of CO2? I'm going to leave the lights on for the rest of the year just to negate her gesture.

For a young woman whose commitment to reducing the impact of the modern lifestyle on the environment means she lives in an old caravan without electricity, heated by a small wood burner, it was the only acceptable solution to the quandary of how to be on the spot to throw confetti in Australia at the end of October.

Ah, now it all makes sense, what can you expect from someone who burns WOOD in their home? Raw wood produces more CO2 and particulates when burned, joule for joule, than electricity produced from a modern power plant. Wood is filthy stuff. Even rural China farmers recognise wood burning is bad for the environment; they're switching to gas.

Please, someone, take a whale-blubber candle and shove it up this poor deluded girl's ass. We don't need any more emissions from the likes of these mushroom-chomping caravan dwellers. You wanna take a seven week trip, great, sounds like a fantastic adventure. But please, not in the name of green.

If she really cared, she'd just buy enough carbon credits to offset ALL the wedding guests' transportation CO2. For the amount of money she's spending on this trip, and the depressed price of carbon right now, she could achieve far more this way.

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's not China polluting LA after all

Seems those crazy Californians got the wrong end of the stick from Steve Cliff's atmospheric research atop three west coast mountains. While Cliff said SOME particles from China were found high up in the air, he said local pollution mostly came from, well, local sources. Tankers are to blame for much of the filth. And a high proportion of particulates in the air are sea-salt.
Shame on the US press for jumping on Cliff's work in such a hamfisted way. Especially the New York Times.
Check out Blue Skies China for a more accurate story.
Blue Skies China home page here
Story here