Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Love is in the air, it's giving the pollution some bite.
This is good. You need air with substance if you're going to be in love. Some good air to punch.
If it offers no resistance, if you're standing under clear blue sky on the edge of a clear blue ocean, that's when a surge of love can break its barriers and flood free from you into the beautifully clear world.
That's when you'll be vulnerable to kidnap by mermaids. Who knows what can happen to you after that?
It's better to have heavy air, strong buildings and slow moving pedestrians all around to absorb these powerful feelings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, judging by recent weather reports, your powerful love is being fairly comprehensively cushioned atm.
I'm still sorry I didn't drop my paper aeroplane on those people...

6:30 am  

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